Source code for ways.parsing.resource

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
'''Asset objects are objects that store per-instance data for Context objects.

They are necessary because Context objects are flyweights and, because of that,
cannot carry instance data.


# scspell-id: 3c62e4aa-c280-11e7-be2b-382c4ac59cfd
import os
import re
import ast
import functools
import itertools
import collections

import six

import ways

from . import trace
from . import registry
from ..base import finder as find
from ..base import situation as sit
from ..core import check
from ..core import compat
from ..helper import pylev
from ..helper import common

__DEFAULT_OBJECT = object()

[docs]class Asset(object): '''An object that contains a Context and data about the Context. The idea of this class is to keep Context information abstract, and let Context parse/use that information. Depending on what the Context is for, it could be used to ground the information to a filesystem or a database or some other structure that the Context knows about. ''' def __init__(self, info, context, parse_type='regex'): '''Create the instance and store its info and Context. Note: Keys in info must match all tokens in the Context (or at least all required tokens) or the Context will fail to initialize. Args: info (dict or str): The information about this asset to store. context (ways.api.Context): The context that this instance points to. parse_type (:obj:`str`, optional): The engine that will be used to used to check to make sure that a value is OK before it is set on this instance. Raises: ValueError: If the information could not be found from a string or if one or more of this Asset's tokens were not filled by the information that was found. ''' super(Asset, self).__init__() self.parse_type = parse_type info = expand_info(info, context) = info self.context = context self.actions = AssetFinder(finder=find.Find(self.context), asset=self) missing_tokens = self.get_missing_required_tokens() if missing_tokens: raise ValueError( 'Info: "{info}" could not resolve Context, "{context}". ' 'Info is missing tokens, "{keys}"'.format(, context=self.context, keys=missing_tokens))
[docs] def get_missing_required_tokens(self): '''Find any token that still needs to be filled for our parser. If a token is missing but it has child tokens and all of the child tokens are defined, it is excluded from the final output. If the missing token is a child of some parent token that is defined, then the value of the token is parsed. If the parse is successful, the token is excluded from the final output. Returns: list[str]: Any tokens that have no value. ''' return _get_missing_required_tokens(context=self.context,
[docs] def get_str(self, required=True, *args, **kwargs): '''Get the full path to the asset, if any. Args: required (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True and there are tokens that are required that still are not filled, raise an error. If False, return the incomplete string. Default is True. *args (list): Positional args to send to ContextParser.get_str. **kwargs (list): Keywords args to send to ContextParser.get_str. Raises: ValueError: If required is True (in other words, we assume that) Returns: str: The resolved string for this instance. ''' parser = self.context.get_parser() for key, value in six.iteritems( parser[key] = value unfilled_tokens = [] for token in self.get_unfilled_tokens(): value = self.get_value(token) if not value: unfilled_tokens.append(token) required_tokens = parser.get_required_tokens() missing_required_tokens = set(required_tokens) & set(unfilled_tokens) if required and missing_required_tokens: raise ValueError('Required tokens: "{tokens}" must be filled. ' 'Cannot retrieve path.'.format( tokens=sorted(missing_required_tokens))) return parser.get_str(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_token_parse(self, name, parse_type=''): '''Get the parse expression for some token name. Args: name (str): The name of the token to get parse details from. parse_type (:obj:`str`, optional): The engine type whose expression will be returned. If no parse_type is given, the stored parse_type is used. Returns: The parse expression used for the given token. ''' if parse_type == '': parse_type = self.parse_type parser = self.context.get_parser() return parser.get_token_parse(name=name, parse_type=parse_type)
[docs] def get_unfilled_tokens(self, required_only=False): '''Get the tokens in this instance that still don't have values. Args: required_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, do not return optional tokens. If False, return all tokens, required and optional. Default is False. Returns: list[str]: The tokens that still need values. ''' parser = self.context.get_parser() tokens = parser.get_tokens(required_only=required_only) return [token for token in tokens if token not in]
[docs] def get_value(self, name, real=False): '''Get some information about this asset, using a token-name. If the information is directly available, we return it. If it isn't though, it is searched for, using whatever information that we do have. If the token name is a child of another token that is defined, we use the parent token to "build" a value for the token that was requested. If the token name is a parent of some other tokens that all have values, we try to "build" it again, by combining all of the child tokens. In both cases, the return value is created but not defined. But it lets you do this: Example: >>> shot_info = { ... 'JOB': 'someJob', ... 'SCENE': 'SOMETHING', ... 'SHOT': 'sh0010' # Pretend SHOT_NUMBER is a child of SHOT ... } >>> shot_asset = resource.Asset(shot_info, context='job/scene/shot') >>> shot_asset.get_value('SHOT_NUMBER') ... # Result: '0010' Args: name (str): The token to get the value of. real (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, the original parsed value is returned. If False and the given token has functions defined in "before_return" then those functions will process the output and then return it. Default is False. Returns: The value at the given token. ''' # Create a parser and fill it up with all of the info we can # so that we can use it using Parent-Search and Child-Search # parser = self.context.get_parser() for key, value in six.iteritems( parser[key] = value details = parser.get_all_mapping_details() value = self._get_value(name, parser) if real: return value # Modify the value before it is returned to the user, if they say to before_return = check.force_itertype( details.get(name, dict()).get('before_return', [])) for function in before_return: # TODO : change with something better try: function = common.import_object(function) except ImportError: pass else: value = function(value) continue try: value = ast.literal_eval( '{function}({value})'.format(function=function, value=value)) # literal_eval will raise ValueError if the string has syntax errors except (ValueError, NameError): try: # TODO : Remove this eval # pylint: disable=eval-used value = eval('{function}({value})'.format(function=function, value=value)) except NameError: # NameError will happen if the function is not importable raise ValueError('Function: "{func}" could not be run'.format(func=function)) return value
def _get_value(self, name, parser): '''Get some information about this asset, using a token-name. If the information is directly available, we return it. If it isn't though, it is searched for, using whatever information that we do have. If the token name is a child of another token that is defined, we use the parent token to "build" a value for the token that was requested. If the token name is a parent of some other tokens that all have values, we try to "build" it again, by combining all of the child tokens. In both cases, the return value is created but not defined. But it lets you do this: Example: >>> shot_info = { ... 'JOB': 'someJob', ... 'SCENE': 'SOMETHING', ... 'SHOT': 'sh0010' # Pretend SHOT_NUMBER is a child of SHOT ... } >>> shot_asset = resource.Asset(shot_info, context='job/scene/shot') >>> shot_asset.get_value('SHOT_NUMBER') ... # Result: '0010' Args: name (str): The token to get the value of. parser (:class:`ways.api.ContextParser`, optional): The parse that contains the information about our Context and Asset. Returns: str: The value at the given token. ''' return _get_value(name, parser,
[docs] def set_value(self, key, value, force=False): '''Store the given value to some key. Args: key (str): The token that our value will be stored into. value (str): The value to store. force (:obj:`bool`, optional): If False, values are checked against their tokens before being set. If True, values are set for each token, even if they are not valid input for that token. Default is False. ''' parser = self.context.get_parser() if (not force and parser.is_valid(key, value)) or force:[key] = value
def __eq__(self, other): '''bool: If the two Asset objects have the same data stored.''' return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == def __repr__(self): '''str: A printout of the current class and its properties.''' return '{cls_}(info={info}, context={context}, parse_type={parse!r})' \ ''.format(cls_=self.__class__.__name__,, context=self.context, parse=self.parse_type)
# TODO : Could I possibly do this without a class? # TODO : The name of this class doesn't match find.Find. FIXME # # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class AssetFinder(compat.DirMixIn, object): '''A class that wraps a Find class with the current asset. Ways Action objects don't assume anything about their input. This is normally a good thing because it keeps Actions flexible. But if we're working with an Action that expects an Asset object, we'd have to do this all the time: Example: >>> asset = resource.get_asset({'info': 'here'}, context='some/context') >>> output = asset.context.actions.get_foo(action, some='other', args=4) Gross, right? So instead what we do is add AssetFinder as an 'actions' property and then forcefully pass the Asset as the first argument to Actions. Example: >>> asset = resource.get_asset({'info': 'here'}, context='some/context') >>> output = asset.actions.get_foo(some='other', args=4) That's much better. ''' def __init__(self, finder, asset): '''Create the instance and store a Find and an Asset object. Args: finder (:class:`ways.api.Find`): The object to get actions from. asset (:class:`ways.api.Asset`): The object to pass to every function. ''' super(AssetFinder, self).__init__() self.finder = finder self._asset = asset def __getattr__(self, name): '''Try to pass missing calls to the stored Context's actions. Returns: callable: The function for the given name. ''' def add_asset_info_to_function(func, asset): '''Pass the given asset to our original function. Args: func (callable): The function to call. It must take at least one arg and the first arg must take an Asset object. ''' def function(*args, **kwargs): '''Run the original function but with an Asset added to it.''' return func(asset, *args, **kwargs) function.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return function function = self.finder.__getattr__(name) # Finder returns a functools.partial. So we'll unpack it by getting # ".func" and then insert our own Asset object into it, instead # function = function.func return add_asset_info_to_function(func=function, asset=self._asset) def __dir__(self): '''list[str]: Add Action names to the list of return items.''' return sorted( set(itertools.chain( self.__dict__.keys(), trace.trace_action_names(self.finder.context), super(AssetFinder, self).__dir__())))
def _expand_using_context(context, text, choices=None, default=__DEFAULT_OBJECT): '''Expand some text into a dictionary of information, using a Context. Args: context (:class:`ways.api.Context`): The Context to get parse text for and then use. text (str): The text to expand. choices (:obj:`dict[str: callable]`, optional): The parse type and associated function for that parse type that should be used to convert a Context into a pattern which we can apply to our text. If no choices are given, some default choices are given for you. default: The object to return if nothing is found. Returns: dict or default: The expanded items, if any option in order was successful. If no function was successful, it returns whatever the default value was. ''' order = _get_expand_order() if choices is None: choices = _get_expand_choices() if default == __DEFAULT_OBJECT: default = dict() # TODO : register these keys/values as plugins or something? pattern_getter = collections.OrderedDict() pattern_getter['default'] = functools.partial(context.get_str, display_tokens=True) pattern_getter['regex'] = functools.partial( context.get_str, resolve_with=('regex', ), display_tokens=True) for key in order: getter = pattern_getter.get(key, lambda: None) pattern = getter() if pattern: value = _expand_using_parse_types( parse=pattern, text=text, choices=choices, default=default) if value: return value return default def _expand_using_parse_types(parse, text, choices=None, default=__DEFAULT_OBJECT): '''Expand some text, using a parse string of some kind. We say "some kind" because the parse string could be a Python format string or a regex pattern, for example. Args: context (:class:`ways.api.Context`): The Context to get parse text for and then use. text (str): The text to expand. choices (:obj:`dict[str: callable]`, optional): The parse type and associated function for that parse type that should be used to convert text into a string. If no choices are given, some default choices are given for you. default: The object to return if nothing is found. Returns: dict or default: The expanded items, if any option in order was successful. If no function was successful, it returns whatever the default value was. ''' order = _get_expand_order() if choices is None: choices = _get_expand_choices() if default == __DEFAULT_OBJECT: default = dict() for choice in order: value = choices[choice](parse, text) if value: break if not value: value = default return value def _get_expand_choices(): '''Get a description of each registered parse type and how it creates a dict. An example implmentation for regex would be {'regex': lambda pat, text: re.match(pat, text).groupdict()}. As long as the parse type can return a dict, given some text, it's valid. Returns: :class:`collections.OrderedDict` [str: callable]: The parse type and expansion function. ''' # TODO : Make an abstract registry for "expansion" parse_types ? choices = collections.OrderedDict() def regex_groupdict(pattern, text): '''Get a dictionary of named keys for each text match, in pattern.''' match = re.match(pattern, text) try: return match.groupdict() except AttributeError: return dict() choices['default'] = common.expand_string choices['regex'] = regex_groupdict return choices def _get_expand_order(order=None): '''Get the parse-order that Ways will use to expand a str into a dict. This order is defined by the WAYS_EXPAND_CHOICE_ORDER environment variable or, if that variable doesn't contain anything, the order that parsers were registered will be used, instead. Args: order (:obj:`list[str]`, optional): If this argument has a value, then it is simply returned. If it doesn't have a value, we try to get the value from the current environment settings. If we can't, we use the order of parse-type registration. Returns: list[str]: The order for Ways to use to expand strings. ''' # TODO : It's a bit presumptuous to assume that we know what order people # would like to parse a string. Maybe make a better system than # just forcing the user to use the keys from _get_expand_choices ... # if order is not None: return order environment = os.getenv('WAYS_EXPAND_CHOICE_ORDER', '') if environment: order = environment.split(os.pathsep) else: order = _get_expand_choices().keys() return order def _get_recursive_parents(token, parser): '''Get every known parent token for some token and those parent's parents. Args: token (str): The token to start retrieving parent tokens from. parser (:class:`ways.api.ContextParser`): The parser to use to get parent tokens. Returns: list[str]: The found parent tokens. ''' def _yield_parent_details(token, parser, details): '''Yield parent tokens for a given token, by looking at a token's details. This function exists just so that we don't have to call parser.get_all_mapping_details() for each iteration. This makes the call slightly more efficient. ''' for parent in six.iterkeys(details): if parent == token: # A token shouldn't ever be a child of itself so we can skip it continue children = parser.get_child_tokens(parent) if token in children: yield parent for parent_ in _yield_parent_details(parent, parser, details): yield parent_ details = parser.get_all_mapping_details() return list(_yield_parent_details(token, parser, details))
[docs]def get_asset(info, context=None, *args, **kwargs): '''Get some class object that matches the given Context and wraps some info. Args: info (dict[str] or str): The info to expand. If the input is a dict, it is passed through and returned. If it is a string, the string is parsed against the given context. Generally speaking, it's better to give a string that is an exact or partial match to a Context's mapping than it is to give a dict. This is doubly true if no context is given. context (:class:`ways.api.Context` or str or tuple[str]`, optional): The Context to use for the asset. If a string is given, it is assumed to be the Context's hierarchy and a Context object is constructed. If nothing is given, the best possible Context is "found" and tried. This auto-find process will try to find the "best" match by looking at every known Context's mapping. A match is not guaranteed. Default is None. *args (list): Optional position variables to pass to our found class's constructor. **kwargs (dict): Optional keyword variables to pass to our found class's constructor. Raises: NotImplementedError: If context is None. There's no auto-find-context option yet. Returns: The found class object or NoneType. If no class definition was found for the given Context, return a generic Asset object. ''' if not context: context_ = _find_context_using_info(info) if context_ is None: raise ValueError('Context could not be found for info, "{info}".'.format(info=info)) else: context_ = sit.get_context(context) if context_: context = context_ else: raise ValueError('Context: "{context}" could not be found. ' 'Cannot continue.'.format(context=context)) info = expand_info(info, context=context) hierarchy = context.get_hierarchy() _, init = registry.get_asset_info(hierarchy) if not init: init = registry.make_default_init(Asset) try: return init(info, context, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: return None
def _get_missing_required_tokens(context, info): '''Find any token that still needs to be filled for our parser. If a token is missing but it has child tokens and all of those tokens are defined, it is excluded from the final output. If the missing token is a child of some parent token that is defined, then the value of the token is parsed. If the parse is successful, the token is excluded from the final output. Args: context (:class:`ways.api.Context`): The Context to use to get missing tokens. info (dict[str: str]): Token-value pairs that should match 1-to-1 with Context. Returns: list[str]: Any tokens that have no value. ''' parser = context.get_parser() required_tokens = parser.get_required_tokens() # Start filling the parser for key, value in six.iteritems(info): parser[key] = value # Get missing tokens missing_tokens = [] for token in required_tokens: if token not in parser: missing_tokens.append(token) # Try to resolve the tokens for token in reversed(missing_tokens): value = _get_value(token, parser=parser, info=info) if value: parser[token] = value missing_tokens.remove(token) return missing_tokens def _get_value(name, parser, info): '''Get some information about this asset, using a token-name. If the information is directly available, we return it. If it isn't though, it is searched for, using whatever information that we do have. If the token name is a child of another token that is defined, we use the parent token to "build" a value for the token that was requested. If the token name is a parent of some other tokens that all have values, we try to "build" it again, by combining all of the child tokens. In both cases, the return value is created but not defined. But it lets you do this: Example: >>> shot_info = { ... 'JOB': 'someJob', ... 'SCENE': 'SOMETHING', ... 'SHOT': 'sh0010' # Pretend SHOT_NUMBER is a child of SHOT ... } >>> shot_asset = resource.Asset(shot_info, context='job/scene/shot') >>> shot_asset.get_value('SHOT_NUMBER') ... # Result: '0010' Args: name (str): The token to get the value of. parser (:class:`ways.api.ContextParser`, optional): The parse that contains the information about our Context and Asset. info (dict[str: str]): All of the token-value pairs to use to find a value. Returns: str: The value at the given token. ''' def get_value_from_parent(token, parser, info): '''Get the value of a token by looking up at its parent, recursively. In order for this function to return anything, the parent of token must be filled out. Or the parent of that parent etc etc. This function is very special because it is able to use a mixture of different text parsing engines to get the desired result. Args: token (str): The token to get the value of, by looking at its parent(s). parser (:class:`ways.api.ContextParser`): The parser associated with the Context associated with this Asset. info (dict[str: str]): All of the token-value pairs to use to find a value. Returns: str: The found value. Returns nothing if no value was found. ''' def get_value_from_parent_regex(parent): '''Use regex to get a value, using known parent tokens. Args: parent (str): The name of the parent token to try to get a parse-value for. Returns: dict[str]: The values that were found for each token and each parent token. ''' details = parser.get_all_mapping_details() try: # We must have a mapping to proceed details[parent]['mapping'] except KeyError: return dict() info = dict() for child in parser.get_child_tokens(parent): value = parser.get_value_from_parent(child, parent, 'regex') info[child] = value return info def get_value_from_parent_format(parent): '''Try to expand the parent token, using its mapping. Note: This function will basically always pass as long as two things are true. 1. The mapping cannot have items side-by-side Example: valid - {FOO}_{BAR} invalid - {FOO}{BAR} If two items are back to back, we can't know where one item starts and one item ends. We'd need regex or glob or something else to determin that. 2. The value doesn't match the mapping. Example: valid - mapping - {FOO}_{BAR} value - SOME_THING invalid - mapping - {FOO}_{BAR} value - SOME-THING Examples: >>> parent = 'SHOT_NAME' >>> value = 'SH_0020' >>> details = {'SHOT_NAME': {'mapping': '{SHOT_PREFIX}_{SHOT_NUMBER}'}} >>> get_value_from_parent_format(parent, value, details) ... {'SHOT_PREFIX': 'SH', 'SHOT_NUMBER': '0020'} Args: parent (str): The parent token to expand and get the value of. Returns: dict[str: str]: The pieces of a string, broken into its various pieces. ''' details = parser.get_all_mapping_details() try: value = parser[parent] return common.expand_string(details[parent].get('mapping', ''), value) except KeyError: return dict() # Try once to get the value if the parser already has it # If not, we'll try to search for it # try: return parser[token] except KeyError: pass parents = _get_recursive_parents(token, parser) if not parents: return '' def build_value_from_parents(token, parents, info): '''Get the value by checking every parent of a token recursively. Warning: This function will modify any parser that is passed into it. The parser is changed intentionally so that the value can be referenced during recursion (It's treated as persistent data that gets reused). Args: token (str): The token to get the value of by looking at its parents. parents (list[str]): The parents of token and any parents of those parents. This list should always start with the immediate parent of token, followed by other parents-of-parents. info (dict[str: str]): All of the token-value pairs to use to find a value. Returns: str: The output value. ''' options = [ get_value_from_parent_format, get_value_from_parent_regex, ] for parent in parents: value = '' try: value = info[parent] except KeyError: pass for option in options: try: info = option(parent) value = info.get(token) if value: return value except Exception: pass try: parents[1:] except IndexError: return '' # If we've reached this point, it means that we tried to get # the value of the parent be couldn't. But there's another # parent above this parent token so lets keep searching # until there's no more parents to search # value = build_value_from_parents(parent, parents[1:], info) if value: # NOTE: We intentionally add the found value to a parser # before retrying to hopefully find the next value # faster / more efficiently # parser[parent] = value return _get_value(token, parser=parser, info=info) return '' return build_value_from_parents(token, parents, info) def get_value_from_children(token, parser, info): '''Get a value from a parent token by getting its child values. Args: token (str): The token to get the value of by looking at its children. parser (:class:`ways.api.ContextParser`): The parser associated with the Context associated info (dict[str: str]): All of the token-value pairs to use to find a value. Returns: dict[str: str]: The found tokens and their values. ''' mapping = details.get(token, dict()).get('mapping', '') if not mapping: return '' children = parser.get_child_tokens(token) if not children: return '' info_ = dict() for child in children: try: value = info[child] except KeyError: value = get_value_from_children(child, parser, info) info_[child] = value return mapping.format(**info_) try: # If we have a direct value for the given name, return it return info[name] except KeyError: pass details = parser.get_all_mapping_details() value = get_value_from_parent(name, parser, info) if value: return value # TODO : swap Parent-Search and Child-Search. More often than not, # it will make systems faster (I think) # return get_value_from_children(name, parser, info) def _find_context_using_info(obj): '''Use some Asset's info, get the best-possible Context. This function is meant to assist "get_asset" whenever a Context is not given. It works first by getting every Context that could work with the given object. Then, if more than one Context matches the given object, we attempt to "break the tie" between all of the Contexts to get a clear winner. This is done by looking at every Token defined in "mapping_details", to try to find if the user's input matches each of the Tokens on the Context. If obj is a string and the match Contexts have mappings, this function runs much more quickly because Ways will sort the valid Contexts by how close obj resembles the mapping. So the more "relevant" Contexts are tried before lesser Contexts. It's best to give a string whenever possible. Args: obj (dict[str: str] or str): The information used to get the Context. It's best to give a string whenever possible but a dict can be used instead, if not. Returns: :class:`ways.api.Context`: The "best-guess" Context for some information. ''' def contains_all_tokens(context, obj): '''Check that every token in a Context has a vaild value. Args: context (:class:`ways.api.Context`): The Context to check for valid token values. obj (dict[str: str]): The token-value pairs for our Context to check if they're valid. Returns: bool: If every token for our Context has a valid value. ''' parser = context.get_parser() details = parser.get_all_mapping_details() for token, value in six.iteritems(obj): if token not in details: # If this section of code runs, it means the user passed in # more information that necessary. Just skip it # continue # Check to make sure our value is OK if not parser.is_valid(token, value): return False return not _get_missing_required_tokens(context, obj) def get_ranking(context, obj): '''Find how similar a given string is to a Context's mapping. Args: context (:class:`ways.api.Context`): The context to get the mapping of and use for ranking. obj (str): The string to compare to the given Context and rank. Returns: float: A value from 0 to N - 0 being having no correlation and N being some increasing correlation. ''' mapping = context.get_mapping() # This algorithm gets thrown off by any contents inside {}s # so we're going to make the mapping from strings like # '/jobs/{JOBS}/here' into '/jobs//here' to make the sort more fair # mapping = re.sub('({[^{}]*})', '', mapping) return pylev.levenshtein(mapping, obj) def get_best_context_by_rankings(contexts, mapping): '''Find the Context that best matches a mapping. Args: contexts (list[:class:`ways.api.Context`]): The Context objects to consider. mapping (str): The asset string that will be used to find the best Context. The "best" Context is determined by how closely a Context's mapping is, compared to this given mapping. Raises: ValueError: If two values tie for the "best" Context and Ways cannot choose one of them. Returns: :class:`ways.api.Context`: The best match. ''' rankings = [get_ranking(context, mapping) for context in contexts] high_score = max(rankings) # If the high score is listed twice then we can't know which Context # to use so raise an error # high_scorers = [] for context, ranking in, rankings): if ranking == high_score: high_scorers.append(context) there_was_a_tie_for_first_place = len(high_scorers) > 1 if there_was_a_tie_for_first_place: raise ValueError( 'Two or more Context objects were selected. Cannot continue.', high_scorers) return contexts[rankings.index(high_score)] def get_context_info_from_pool(contexts, pool): '''Assign information to given Contexts using a pool of Context info. To keep computations light, we filter out the best possible Context candidates and then get their information from the total Contexts. Args: contexts (list[:class:`ways.api.Context`]): The Context objects to get token information for. pool (list[tuple[:class:`ways.api.Context`, dict[str, str]]]): All of the known Contexts and their token info that Ways knows of. Returns: pool (list[tuple[:class:`ways.api.Context`, dict[str, str]]]): The original Context objects and its pool information. ''' return {context: pool[context] for context in contexts} def get_valid_contexts(info): '''Filter out Contexts that expect different info that what is given. Args: info (list[tuple[:class:`ways.api.Context`, dict[str, str]]]): All of the known Contexts and their token info that Ways knows of. Returns: list[:class:`ways.api.Context`]: The Context objects that are all compatible with their given info. ''' valid_contexts = [] for context, details in six.iteritems(info): parser = context.get_parser() # We're going to try to invalidate every token of a Context using # every parser that Ways knows about. If the Context doesn't # ever return False then that means it is 'valid' # tokens_and_parsers = itertools.product( six.iteritems(details), ways.get_parse_order()) for (token, value), parse_type in tokens_and_parsers: if not parser.is_valid(token, value, parse_type): break else: valid_contexts.append(context) return valid_contexts def tiebreak(contexts, info): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements '''Attempt to find the "best" Context from a group of tied Contexts. Ways does this by looking at the parse groups defined for each Context. If the Context objects's found information doesn't match what the Context expects, it's "excluded". The Context that survives validation is declared the "winner" because there was nothing wrong with it. Args: contexts (list[:class:`ways.api.Context`]): The tied Context objects to get a "best" Context of. info (list[dict[:class:`ways.api.Context`: dict[str, str]]]): All of the known Contexts and their token info that Ways knows of. Raises: ValueError: If the tie could not be broken. i.e. Two or more Contexts with are both valid, given the user's information. Returns: :class:`ways.api.Context` or NoneType: The "winner" Context. ''' tied_info = get_context_info_from_pool(contexts, info) valid_contexts = get_valid_contexts(tied_info) if not valid_contexts: return elif len(valid_contexts) == 1: # Tie-break succeeded return valid_contexts[0] raise ValueError( 'Ways got two or more Contexts and cannot decide which to use, ' '"{contexts!s}".'.format(contexts=[str(context) for context in contexts])) def find_context_by_mapping(mapping, contexts): '''Get the correct Context by matching the user's mapping. As the function implies, at least one Context given must have a mapping and that mapping should match the Context. Args: mapping (str): The mapping that is expected to match the Contexts. contexts (list[:class:`ways.api.Context`]): The Contexts to match with. Returns: :class:`ways.api.Context`: The "winner" Context. ''' try: return get_best_context_by_rankings(list(contexts.keys()), mapping) except ValueError as err: # Try to break the tie, if we can tied_contexts = err.args[-1] return tiebreak(tied_contexts, contexts) def filter_valid_contexts(info, contexts): '''Use the given information to find the correct Context. This function is very basic. All it does it tries to build an Asset, using the given Context information. If the Asset successfully instantiates, it's assumed that the info was correct. Args: info (dict[str, str]): The information to try to get a Context of. contexts (list[:class:`ways.api.Context`]): The Contexts to match. Returns: list[:class:`ways.api.Context`]: The Contexts that make valid Assets, when given some info. ''' output = [] for context in six.iterkeys(contexts): try: Asset(info, context) except ValueError: # The object was not valid input for the Asset. Just ignore it and move on continue output.append(context) return output mapping = '' contexts_ = sit.get_all_contexts() contexts = collections.OrderedDict() if not isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping): mapping = obj # The user gave a string - so let's make it into a dict # whatever string -> dict conversions are successful *might* be the # context that we're looking to find - so add them # for context in contexts_: try: expanded_info = common.expand_string(context.get_mapping(), obj) if not expanded_info: raise ValueError except (ValueError, RuntimeError): # expand_string raises an error if context.get_mapping is invalid pass else: contexts[context] = expanded_info if not contexts: raise ValueError('No plugins found had mappings. Cannot continue.') else: # Otherwise, if it is a mapping (i.e. a dict), we use all contexts for context in contexts_: if contains_all_tokens(context, obj): contexts[context] = obj # We'll find the Context we're searching for faster if we sort the more # likely candidates to the front. But we can only do that if obj is a string # if mapping: return find_context_by_mapping(mapping, contexts) # Otherwise, lets just try to find the best-guess valid_contexts = filter_valid_contexts(obj, contexts) if len(valid_contexts) == 1: return valid_contexts[0] # More than one Context was valid. Try to find one clear winner, if we can return tiebreak(valid_contexts, contexts)
[docs]def expand_info(info, context=None): '''Get parsed information, using the given Context. Note: This function requires regex in order to parse. Todo: Maybe I can abstract the parser to use different parse options, like I did in get_value_from_parent. And then if that doesn't work, I can add the option to "register" a particular parser. Args: info (dict[str] or str): The info to expand. If the input is a dict, it is passed through and returned. If it is a string, the string is parsed against the given context. context (:class:`<ways.api.Context`, optional): The Context that will be used to parse info. If no Context is given, the Context is automatically found. Default is None. Raises: NotImplementedError: If context is None. There's no auto-find-context option yet. Returns: dict[str]: The asset info. ''' # Is already a dict if isinstance(info, dict): return info # Context is probably a string like '/jobs/jobName/here'. If that's the case # then we'll expand it into a dict by using a Context's mapping. # # i.e. path is '/jobs/jobName/here' # context mapping is '/jobs/{JOB}/here' # Result: {'JOB': 'jobName'} # try: return _expand_using_context(context, info, default=dict()) except AttributeError: pass # Is it an iterable-pair object that we can make into a dict? # i.e. (('some': 'thing'), ) -> {'some': 'thing'} # try: return dict(info) except TypeError: return dict()