Source code for ways

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''The main location where loaded plugin and action objects are managed.'''

import os
import collections

import six

from .base import finder
from .base import situation as sit
from .helper import common
from .parsing import registry

__version__ = "0.1.0b1"

ACTION_CACHE = collections.OrderedDict()
PLUGIN_CACHE = collections.OrderedDict()
PLUGIN_CACHE['hierarchy'] = collections.OrderedDict()
PLUGIN_CACHE['all'] = []

def _get_actions(hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT, duplicates=False):
    '''Get the actions defined for a plugin hierarchy.

        hierarchy (tuple[str]):
            The specific description to get plugin/action objects from.
        assignment (:obj:`str`, optional):
            The group to get items from. Default: 'master'.
        duplicates (:obj:`bool`, optional):
            If True, The first Action that is found will be returned.
            If False, all actions (including parent actions with the same
            name) are all returned. Default is False.

        list[list[str], list[:class:`ways.api.Action` or callable]]:
            0: All of the names of each action that was found.
            1: The object that was created for a specific action.

    action_names = []
    objects = []

    for actions in get_actions_iter(hierarchy, assignment=assignment):
        for name, obj in six.iteritems(actions):
            is_a_new_action = name not in action_names

            if is_a_new_action or duplicates:
    return action_names, objects

def _get_from_assignment(obj_cache, hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT):
    '''Get a plugin from some hierarchy and assignment, if it exists.

        obj_cache (dict[str, dict[str]]):
            Some mapping object that contains details that
            hierarchy and assignment will try to access.
        hierarchy (tuple[str]):
            The specific description to get plugin/action objects from.
        assignment (:obj:`str`, optional):
            The group to get items from. Default: 'master'.

        The output of the assignment, if any. Ideally, a dict.

        return obj_cache[hierarchy][assignment]
    except KeyError:
        return dict()

[docs]def get_actions(hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT, duplicates=False): '''Get back all of the action objects for a plugin hierarchy. Args: hierarchy (tuple[str]): The specific description to get plugin/action objects from. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group to get items from. Default: 'master'. duplicates (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, The first Action that is found will be returned. If False, all actions (including parent actions with the same name) are all returned. Default is False. Returns: list[:class:`ways.api.Action` or callable]: The actions in the hierarchy. ''' action_objects_index = 1 actions = _get_actions( hierarchy=hierarchy, assignment=assignment, duplicates=duplicates) return actions[action_objects_index]
[docs]def get_actions_iter(hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT): '''Get the actions at a particular hierarchy. Args: hierarchy (tuple[str]): The location of where this Plugin object is. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group that the PLugin was assigned to. Default: 'master'. If assignment='', all plugins from every assignment is queried. Yields: dict[str, :class:`ways.api.Action`]: The actions for some hierarchy. ''' def _search_for_item(hierarchy): '''Find the first action in our cache that we can find.''' priority = get_priority() if not priority: # As a fallback if get_priority gives us nothing, just use the # actions in the order that they were added # priority = ACTION_CACHE[hierarchy].keys() for assignment in priority: try: return ACTION_CACHE[hierarchy][assignment] except KeyError: continue # The use of 'not assignment' is very intentional. Do not change # # Excluding an assignment is a very explicit decision, because the # default assignment value is 'master'. Sending assignment='' means that # the user wants to consider all assignments, not one specifically. # if not assignment: assignment_method = _search_for_item else: def assignment_method(hierarchy): '''Create a simple partial method that only takes hierarchy.''' return _get_from_assignment( obj_cache=ACTION_CACHE, hierarchy=hierarchy, assignment=assignment) # This iterates over a hierarchy from bottom to top and returns the # first action it finds. It's a very different behavior than get_plugins # hierarchy_len = len(hierarchy) for index in six.moves.range(hierarchy_len): try: yield assignment_method(hierarchy[:hierarchy_len - index]) except KeyError: continue
[docs]def get_action_names(hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT): '''Get the names of all actions available for some plugin hierarchy. Args: hierarchy (tuple[str]): The specific description to get plugin/action objects from. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group to get items from. Default: 'master'. Returns: list[str]: The names of all actions found for the Ways object. ''' action_names_index = 0 actions = _get_actions(hierarchy=hierarchy, assignment=assignment, duplicates=False) names = [] for name in actions[action_names_index]: # Maintain definition order but also make sure they are all unique if name not in names: names.append(name) return names
[docs]def get_actions_info(hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT): '''Get the names and objects for all Action objects in a hierarchy. Args: hierarchy (tuple[str]): The specific description to get plugin/action objects from. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group to get items from. Default: 'master'. Returns: dict[str: :class:`ways.api.Action` or callable]: The name of the action and its associated object. ''' actions = collections.OrderedDict() for name, obj in*_get_actions(hierarchy, assignment, duplicates=False)): actions[name] = obj return actions
[docs]def get_action(name, hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT): '''Find an action based on its name, hierarchy, and assignment. The first action that is found for the hierarchy is returned. Args: name (str): The name of the action to get. This name is assigned to the action when it is defined. hierarchy (tuple[str]): The location of where this Action object is. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group that the Action was assigned to. Default: 'master'. Returns: :class:`ways.api.Action` or NoneType: The found Action object. ''' for actions in get_actions_iter(hierarchy, assignment=assignment): try: return actions[name] except (TypeError, KeyError): # TypeError in case action is None pass
[docs]def get_known_platfoms(): '''Find the platforms that Ways sees. This will return back the platforms defined in the WAYS_PLATFORMS environment variable. If WAYS_PLATFORMS isn't defined, a default set of platforms is returned. Returns: set[str]: All of the platforms. Default: {'darwin', 'java', 'linux', 'windows'} ''' try: return set(os.environ[common.PLATFORMS_ENV_VAR].split(os.pathsep)) except KeyError: # These platforms are the what platform.system() could return return {'darwin', 'java', 'linux', 'windows'}
[docs]def get_plugins(hierarchy, assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT): '''Find an plugin based on its name, hierarchy, and assignment. Every plugin found at every level of the given hierarchy is collected and returned. Args: name (str): The name of the plugin to get. This name needs to be assigned to the plugin when it is defined. hierarchy (tuple[str]): The location of where this Plugin object is. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group that the PLugin was assigned to. Default: 'master'. If assignment='', all plugins from every assignment is queried. Returns: list[:class:`ways.api.Plugin`]: The found plugins, if any. ''' def _search_for_plugin(hierarchy): '''Find all plugins in some hierarchy for every assignment.''' items = [] for assignment in get_priority(): try: items.extend(PLUGIN_CACHE['hierarchy'][hierarchy][assignment]) except KeyError: continue return items # The use of 'not assignment' is very intentional. Do not change # # Excluding an assignment is a very explicit decision, because the # default assignment value is 'master'. Sending assignment='' means that # the user wants to consider all assignments, not one specifically. # if not assignment: assignment_method = _search_for_plugin else: def assignment_method(hierarchy): '''Create a scoped function that only need hierarchy as input.''' return _get_from_assignment( obj_cache=PLUGIN_CACHE['hierarchy'], hierarchy=hierarchy, assignment=assignment) plugins = [] hierarchy = sit.resolve_alias(hierarchy) # This iterates over a hierarchy from top to bottom and gets every # plugin at each level of the hierarchy that it finds. # # So, for example # ('some', 'hierarchy', 'here') # # Will get the plugins for ('some', ), # then the plugins for ('some', 'hierarchy'), # and finally plugins for ('some', 'hierarchy', 'here') # for index in six.moves.range(len(hierarchy)): plugins.extend(assignment_method(hierarchy[:index + 1])) return plugins
[docs]def get_parse_order(): '''list[str]: The order to try all of the parsers registered by the user.''' return os.getenv(common.PARSERS_ENV_VAR, 'regex').split(os.pathsep)
[docs]def get_priority(): '''Determine the order that assignments are searched through for plugins. This list is controlled by the WAYS_PRIORITY variable. For example, os.environ['WAYS_PRIORITY'] = 'master:job'. Since job plugins come after master plugins, they are given higher priority Todo: Give a recommendation (in docs) for where to read more about this. Returns: tuple[str]: The assignments to search through. ''' return os.getenv(common.PRIORITY_ENV_VAR, common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT).split(os.pathsep)
[docs]def add_plugin(plugin, assignment='master'): '''Add a plugin to Ways. Args: plugin (:class:`ways.api.Plugin`): The plugin to add. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The assignment of the plugin. Default: 'master'. ''' # Set defaults (if needed) hierarchy = plugin.get_hierarchy() PLUGIN_CACHE['hierarchy'].setdefault(hierarchy, collections.OrderedDict()) PLUGIN_CACHE['hierarchy'][hierarchy].setdefault(assignment, []) # Add the plugin if it doesn't already exist if plugin not in PLUGIN_CACHE['all']: check_plugin_uuid(plugin) PLUGIN_CACHE['hierarchy'][plugin.get_hierarchy()][assignment].append(plugin) PLUGIN_CACHE['all'].append(plugin)
[docs]def check_plugin_uuid(info): '''Make sure that the plugin UUID is not already taken. Args: info (:class:`ways.api.DataPlugin` or dict[str]): Data that may become a proper plugin. Raises: RuntimeError: If the plugin's UUID is already taken. ''' uuids = dict() for cached_plugin in PLUGIN_CACHE['all']: try: plugin_uuid = cached_plugin.get_uuid() except AttributeError: plugin_uuid = '' if plugin_uuid: uuids[plugin_uuid] = cached_plugin try: plugin_uuid = info['uuid'] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass try: plugin_uuid = info.get_uuid() except AttributeError: return try: cached = uuids[plugin_uuid] except KeyError: return if == return raise RuntimeError( 'UUID: "{uuid_}" is already taken by plugin, "{plug}". Please choose ' 'another name. Info: "{info}" is invalid.'.format( uuid_=plugin_uuid, plug=cached, info=info))
[docs]def clear(): '''Remove all Ways plugins and actions.''' def reset_cache(cache): '''Reset some dict cache.''' try: cache['hierarchy'].clear() except KeyError: pass cache['all'][:] = [] ACTION_CACHE.clear() reset_cache(PLUGIN_CACHE) del PLUGIN_LOAD_RESULTS[:] del DESCRIPTOR_LOAD_RESULTS[:] del DESCRIPTORS[:] finder.Find.clear() sit.clear_aliases() sit.clear_contexts() registry.reset_asset_classes()