Source code for ways.helper.common

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''A collection of functions that are used by modules in this package.

This module is not likely to change often.


# scspell-id: 3c62e4aa-c280-11e7-be2b-382c4ac59cfd
import os
import string
import functools
import itertools

import six

from ..core import check


FAILURE_KEY = 'failed'
SUCCESS_KEY = 'success'

ENVIRONMENT_FAILURE_KEY = 'environment_failure'
IMPORT_FAILURE_KEY = 'import_failure'
LOAD_FAILURE_KEY = 'load_failure'
NOT_CALLABLE_KEY = 'not_callable'

PLATFORM_FAILURE_KEY = 'platform_failure'
RESOLUTION_FAILURE_KEY = 'resolution_failure'


PARENT_TOKEN = '{root}'

WAYS_UUID_KEY = 'uuid'

[docs]def expand_string(format_string, obj): '''Split a string into a dict using a Python-format string. Warning: Format-strings that have two tokens side-by-side are invalid. They must have at least some character between them. This format_string is invalid '{NAME}{ID}', this format_string is valid '{NAME}_{ID}'. Example: >>> shot = 'NAME_010' >>> format_string = '{SHOT}_{ID}' >>> expand_string(format_string, shot) ... {'SHOT': 'NAME', 'ID': '010'} Args: format_string (str): The Python-format style string to use to split it. obj (str): The string to split out into a dict. Raises: ValueError: If the format_string given is invalid. Returns: dict: The created dict from our obj string. ''' if '}{' in format_string: raise ValueError('format_string: "{temp_}" was invalid. Curly braces, ' 'cannot be used, back to back.'.format(temp_=format_string)) info = dict() # The string is reversed and processed from end to beginning for prefix, field, _, _ in reversed(list(string.Formatter().parse(format_string))): if not prefix: # We got to the beginning of the formatted str so just return obj info[field] = obj continue try: remainder, value = obj.rsplit(prefix, 1) except ValueError: # If this block runs it means that there was a bad match between # the formatted_string and obj. # # Example: # >>> text = '/jobs/some_job/some_kind/of/real_folders' # >>> pattern = '/jobs/{JOB}/some_kind/of/real_folders/inner' # >>> expand_string(pattern, text) # Raises ValueError # # To prevent false positives, we'll return an empty dict # return dict() if field: info[field] = value obj = remainder return info
[docs]def get_platforms(obj): '''tuple[str]: The the platform(s) for the given object.''' try: return obj.get_platforms() except AttributeError: return ('*', )
[docs]def get_python_files(item): '''Get the Python files at some file or directory. Note: If the given item is a Python file, just return it. Args: item (str): The absolute path to a file or folder. Returns: list[str]: The Python files at the given location. ''' if os.path.isfile(item): return [item] elif os.path.isdir(item): files = [] for item_ in os.listdir(item): item_ = os.path.join(item, item_) if os.path.isfile(item_) and item_.lower().endswith(('.pyc', '.py')): files.append(item_) return files return []
[docs]def split_into_parts(obj, split, as_type=tuple): '''Split a string-like object into parts, using some split variable. Example: >>> path = 'some/thing' >>> split_into_parts(path, split='/') ... ('some', 'thing') Args: obj (str or iterable): The object to split. split (str): The character(s) to split obj by. as_type (:obj:`callable[iterable[str]]`, optional): The type to return from this function. Default: tuple. Returns: as_type[str]: The split pieces. ''' obj = check.force_itertype(obj) obj = (part.strip() for obj_ in obj for part in obj_.split(split)) return as_type(part for part in obj if part)
[docs]def split_hierarchy(obj, as_type=tuple): '''Split a hierarchy into pieces, using the "/" character. Args: obj (str or tuple[str]): The hierarchy to split. as_type (:obj:`callable`, optional): The iterable type to return the hierarchy. Returns: tuple[str]: The hierarchy, split into pieces. ''' try: if obj[0] == HIERARCHY_SEP: items = itertools.chain( [HIERARCHY_SEP], split_into_parts(obj, split=HIERARCHY_SEP, as_type=list)) return tuple(items) except IndexError: pass return split_into_parts(obj, split=HIERARCHY_SEP, as_type=as_type)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name split_by_comma = functools.partial(split_into_parts, split=',')
[docs]def import_object(name): '''Import a object of any kind, as long as it is on the PYTHONPATH. Args: name (str): An import name (Example: 'ways.api.Plugin') Raises: ImportError: If some object down the name chain was not importable or if the entire name could not be found in the PYTHONPATH. Returns: The imported module, classobj, or callable function, or object. ''' components = name.split('.') module = __import__(components[0]) for comp in components[1:]: module = getattr(module, comp) return module
[docs]def memoize(function): '''Create cache of values for a function.''' memo = {} def wrapper(*args): '''Run the original function and store its output, given some args.''' if args in memo: return memo[args] value = function(*args) memo[args] = value return value return wrapper
[docs]def decode(obj): '''dict[str]: Convert a URL-encoded string back into a dict.''' return conform_decode(six.moves.urllib.parse.parse_qs(obj))
[docs]def conform_decode(info): '''Make sure that 'create_using' returns a single string.''' return {key: value[0] if len(value) == 1 else value for key, value in six.iteritems(info)}
[docs]def encode(obj): '''Make the given descriptor information into a standard URL encoding. Args: obj (dict[str]): The Descriptor information to serialize. This is normally something like {'create_using': ways.api.FolderDescriptor}. Returns: str: The output encoding. ''' # pylint: disable=redundant-keyword-arg return six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(obj, doseq=True)