Source code for ways.base.commander

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''A set of classes and functions used to extend a Context's interface.

Action objects attach to Contexts and let you change data on the Context or
to run any kind of function.


# scspell-id: 3c62e4aa-c280-11e7-be2b-382c4ac59cfd
import six

from . import cache
from . import situation as sit
from ..helper import common

[docs]class ActionRegistry(type): '''A metaclass that adds new Action objects to a registry-cache.''' def __new__(mcs, clsname, bases, attrs): '''Add the created class to the Action object cache.''' new_class = super(ActionRegistry, mcs).__new__( mcs, clsname, bases, attrs) # If we state not to register a plugin, don't register it # # If add_to_registry isn't defined for this Plugin, # assume that we should register it # try: if new_class.__name__ == '_Aktion' or not new_class.add_to_registry: return new_class except AttributeError: return new_class # Register the Plugin into our registry try: assignment = new_class.get_assignment() except AttributeError: assignment = common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT cache.add_action(new_class, assignment=assignment) return new_class
# TODO : See if I can combine the ActionRegistry with an abstract class # that forces users to implement get_hierarchy and __call__ # @six.add_metaclass(ActionRegistry) class _Aktion(object): '''A base Action object that is meant to attach Context objects. To use this class, you must implement get_hierarchy as a classmethod and the __call__ method. ''' add_to_registry = True @property def context(self): '''Get a reference to the Context that this instance is attached to. Note: This is done in a wrapped property for 3 reasons. 1. So that the returned Context can be changed at runtime. 2. To make the property read-only 3. If the Context isn't defined by the time this object is instantiated, self.context would return None. By adding it as a wrapped property, we try to avoid loading the context for as long as possible. The Context is only needed when the Action is called. Ghetto? Yes. Works well? You bet it does! Returns: :class:`ways.api.Context`: The object that this instance will attach itself to. ''' return sit.get_context( self.get_hierarchy(), assignment=self.get_assignment()) @classmethod def get_assignment(cls): '''str: The group where the Context for this instance lives.''' return common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT @classmethod def get_hierarchy(cls): '''tuple[str]: The location of the Context/Asset this object affects.''' return tuple() Action = _Aktion
[docs]def add_action(action, name='', context='', assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT): '''Add a created action to this cache. Args: action (:class:`ways.api.Action`): The action to add. Action objects are objects that get passed a Context object and run a function. name (:obj:`str`, optional): A name to use with this action. The name must be unique to this hierarchy/assignment or it risks overriding another Action that might already exist at the same location. If no name is given, the name on the action is tried, instead. context (:class:`ways.api.Context` or str): The Context or hierarchy of a Context to add this Action to. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group to add this action to, Default: 'master'. Raises: RuntimeError: If no hierarchy is given and no hierarchy could be found on the given action. RuntimeError: If no name is given and no name could be found on the given action. ''' return cache.add_action( action=action, name=name, context=context, assignment=assignment)