Source code for ways.base.cache

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''A set of functions to register objects to Ways.'''

# scspell-id: 3c62e4aa-c280-11e7-be2b-382c4ac59cfd
import os
import imp
import sys
import inspect
import functools
import collections

import six

import ways

from ..helper import common

def _conform_plugins_with_assignments(plugins):
    '''Mutate a list of Plugin objects into a list of Plugin/assignment pairs.

    We have no way of knowing if a Descriptor is returning a list of
    Plugin/assignment pairs (which is what Ways needs) or just a simple
    list of Plugin objects or both. This function helps make sure that, no matter
    what the user initially created, Ways can use it.

        >>> plugins1 = [ways.api.Plugin()]
        >>> plugins2 = [(ways.api.Plugin(), 'master')]
        >>> plugins3 = [(ways.api.Plugin(), 'master'), ways.api.Plugin()]
        >>> _conform_plugins_with_assignments(plugins)
        >>> print(plugins1)
        >>> print(plugins2)
        >>> print(plugins3)
        >>> # Result: [(ways.api.Plugin(), 'master')]
        >>> # Result: [(ways.api.Plugin(), 'master')]
        >>> # Result: [(ways.api.Plugin(), 'master')]

        plugins (list[:class:`ways.api.Plugin`]):
            The plugins to change.

        list[tuple[:class:`ways.api.Plugin`, str]]:
            The original list of Plugin objects - but now including assignments.

    for index, info in enumerate(plugins):
            plugin = info[0]
            assignment = info[1]
        except (TypeError, IndexError):
            plugin = info
            assignment = common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT
        plugins[index] = (plugin, assignment)

    return plugins

[docs]def resolve_descriptor(description): '''Build a descriptor object from different types of user input. Args: description (dict or str): Some information to create a descriptor object from. If the descriptor is a string and it is a directory on the path, ways.api.Descriptor is returned. If it is an encoded URI, the string is parsed into a dict and processed. If it's a dict, the dictionary is used, as-is. Returns: :class:`ways.api.Descriptor` or NoneType: Some descriptor object that works with the given input. ''' from . import descriptor # Avoiding a cyclic import def get_description_from_path(path): '''Build a descriptor from a string path.''' func = None try: if os.path.isdir(path): func = descriptor.FolderDescriptor elif os.path.isfile(path): func = descriptor.FileDescriptor except TypeError: return func if func: return func(path) return func def get_description_info(description): '''Build a descriptor from an encoded URI.''' default = None if not isinstance(description, six.string_types): return default description = common.decode(description) if not description: return default # Make sure that single-item elements are actually single-items # Sometimes dicts come in like this, for example: # { # 'create_using': ['ways.api.GitLocalDescriptor'] # } # description.setdefault('create_using', ['ways.api.FolderDescriptor']) return get_description_from_dict(description) def get_description_from_dict(description): '''Build a descriptor from a Python dict.''' def try_load(obj, description): '''Load the object, as-is.''' return obj(**description) # Keys that Ways uses to register a Descriptor that are not meant to # be passed to the Descriptor's __init__ function # reserved_keys = ('create_using', common.WAYS_UUID_KEY) descriptor_obj = description.get( 'create_using', descriptor.FolderDescriptor) actual_description = {key: value for key, value in description.items() if key not in reserved_keys} try: descriptor_obj = common.import_object(descriptor_obj) except (AttributeError, ImportError): pass # Pass functions directly without calling them if inspect.isfunction(descriptor_obj): return descriptor_obj # If it's a class, instantiate it with the args given try: return try_load(descriptor_obj, actual_description) except Exception: # TODO : LOG the err raise ValueError('Found object, "{cls_}" could not be called. ' 'Please make sure it is on the PYTHONPATH and ' 'there are no errors in the class/function.' ''.format(cls_=descriptor_obj)) final_descriptor = None for choice_strategy in (get_description_info, get_description_from_path, get_description_from_dict): final_descriptor = choice_strategy(description) if final_descriptor is not None: break return final_descriptor
[docs]def init_plugins(): '''Create the Descriptor and Plugin objects found in our environment. This method ideally should only ever be run once, when Ways first starts. ''' ways.clear() def get_items_from_env_var(env_var): '''Get all non-empty items in some environment variable.''' items = [] for item in os.getenv(env_var, '').split(os.pathsep): item = item.strip() if item: items.append(item) return items plugin_files = [] # TODO : This is too confusing. There are "Plugin" files which are just # Python files that get read, PluginSheets, which are # YAML/JSON/Python files that contains Plugins. And Plugin class, # which isn't even a file. This needs to be fixed # for item in get_items_from_env_var(common.PLUGINS_ENV_VAR): files = common.get_python_files(item) if not files: files = [item] plugin_files.extend(files) for item in plugin_files: add_plugin(item) for item in get_items_from_env_var(common.DESCRIPTORS_ENV_VAR): add_descriptor(item)
[docs]def add_descriptor(description, update=True): '''Add an object that describes the location of Plugin objects. Args: description (dict or str): Some information to create a descriptor object from. If the descriptor is a string and it is a directory on the path, ways.api.FolderDescriptor is returned. If it is an encoded URI, the string is parsed into a dict and processed. If it's a dict, the dictionary is used, as-is. update (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, add this Descriptor's plugins to Ways. If False, the user must register a Descriptor's plugins. Default is True. ''' def return_item(obj): '''Return the given object back.''' return obj def is_iterable_of_plugins(descriptor): '''bool: If the user gave a direct list of Plugins.''' try: iter(descriptor) except TypeError: return False return all((node for node in descriptor if isinstance(node, ways.api.Plugin))) info = {'item': description} try: final_descriptor = resolve_descriptor(description) except ValueError: _, _, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() info.update( { 'status': common.FAILURE_KEY, 'reason': common.RESOLUTION_FAILURE_KEY, 'traceback': traceback_, } ) ways.DESCRIPTOR_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info) # TODO : logging? print('Description: "{desc}" could not become a descriptor class.' ''.format(desc=description)) return None try: final_descriptor = final_descriptor.get_plugins except AttributeError: pass if not callable(final_descriptor): if not is_iterable_of_plugins(final_descriptor): # If this is a list of Plugin objects, then lets pass it through _, _, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() final_descriptor = functools.partial(return_item, final_descriptor) info.update( { 'status': common.FAILURE_KEY, 'reason': common.NOT_CALLABLE_KEY, 'traceback': traceback_, 'description': final_descriptor, } ) ways.DESCRIPTOR_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info) # TODO : logging? print('Description: "{desc}" created a descriptor that cannot ' 'load plugins.'.format(desc=description)) return None _, _, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() final_descriptor = functools.partial(return_item, final_descriptor) info.update( { 'status': common.SUCCESS_KEY, 'reason': common.NOT_CALLABLE_KEY, 'traceback': traceback_, 'description': final_descriptor, } ) ways.DESCRIPTOR_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info) ways.DESCRIPTORS.append(final_descriptor) else: info.update( { 'status': common.SUCCESS_KEY, 'description': final_descriptor, } ) ways.DESCRIPTORS.append(final_descriptor) ways.DESCRIPTOR_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info) if update: update_plugins() return final_descriptor
[docs]def add_action(action, name='', context='', assignment=common.DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT): '''Add a created action to Ways. Args: action (:class:`ways.api.Action`): The action to add. Action objects are objects that act on Context objects to gather some kind of information. name (:obj:`str`, optional): A name to identify this action. The name must be unique to this hierarchy/assignment or it might override another pre-existing Action in the same location. If no name is given, the name on the action is tried, instead. Default: ''. context (:class:`ways.api.Context` or str): The Context or hierarchy of a Context to add this Action to. assignment (:obj:`str`, optional): The group to add this action to, Default: 'master'. Raises: RuntimeError: If no hierarchy is given and no hierarchy could be found on the given action. RuntimeError: If no name is given and no name could be found on the given action. ValueError: If a Context object was given and no hierarchy could be found. ''' if name == '': try: name = except AttributeError: pass try: if name == '': name = action.__name__ except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Action: "{act!r}" has no name property ' 'and no name was specified to add_action. ' 'add_action cannot continue.' ''.format(act=action)) hierarchy = context # TODO : Possibly change with a "get_hierarchy" function if not context: try: hierarchy = action.get_hierarchy() except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Action: "{act!r}" has no get_hierarchy ' 'method and no hierarchy was given to ' 'add_action. add_action cannot continue.' ''.format(act=action)) try: hierarchy = context.get_hierarchy() except AttributeError: pass if not hierarchy: raise ValueError('No hierarchy for "{obj}" could be found.' ''.format(obj=context)) hierarchy = common.split_hierarchy(hierarchy) # Set defaults (if needed) ways.ACTION_CACHE.setdefault(hierarchy, collections.OrderedDict()) ways.ACTION_CACHE[hierarchy].setdefault(assignment, dict()) ways.ACTION_CACHE[hierarchy][assignment][name] = action
# pylint: disable=invalid-name add_search_path = add_descriptor add_search_path.__doc__ = add_descriptor.__doc__
[docs]def get_assignments(hierarchy): '''list[str]: Get the assignments for a hierarchy key in plugins.''' hierarchy = common.split_hierarchy(hierarchy) return ways.PLUGIN_CACHE['hierarchy'][hierarchy].keys()
[docs]def get_all_plugins(): '''list[:class:`ways.api.Plugin`]: Every registered plugin.''' return ways.PLUGIN_CACHE['all']
[docs]def add_plugin(path): '''Load the Python file as a plugin. Args: path (str): The absolute path to a valid Python file (py or pyc). ''' info = {'item': path} try: module = imp.load_source('module', path) except Exception as err: _, _, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() info.update( { 'status': common.FAILURE_KEY, 'reason': common.IMPORT_FAILURE_KEY, 'exception': err, 'traceback': traceback_, } ) ways.PLUGIN_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info) return # Add the WAYS_UUID in the file, if it was defined try: info[common.WAYS_UUID_KEY] = module.WAYS_UUID except AttributeError: pass try: func = module.main except AttributeError: # A plugin file isn't required to have a main function # so we can just return, here # info.update( { 'status': common.SUCCESS_KEY, 'details': 'no_main_function', } ) ways.PLUGIN_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info) return try: func() except Exception as err: _, _, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() info.update( { 'status': common.FAILURE_KEY, 'reason': common.LOAD_FAILURE_KEY, 'exception': err, 'traceback': traceback_, } ) ways.PLUGIN_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info) return info.update( { 'status': common.SUCCESS_KEY, } ) ways.PLUGIN_LOAD_RESULTS.append(info)
[docs]def update_plugins(): '''Look up every plugin in every descriptor and register them to Ways.''' plugins = [plugin for descriptor_method in ways.DESCRIPTORS for plugin in descriptor_method()] _conform_plugins_with_assignments(plugins) for plugin, assignment in plugins: ways.add_plugin(plugin, assignment=assignment)